Friday, September 09, 2005

thoughts on Katrina - pt. 2

It's clear that it will take years for New Orleans to recover from Katrina. The population will probably never again be what is was only two weeks ago. Some have suggested that Katrina was God's judgment on the area for the evils that have gone rampant in the area for years - everything from the days that slaves were sold there to the voodoo practiced in the area to drunkenness, carousing, and every sort of vice known to man. It wasn't referred to as "Sin City" for no reason. Yes, I know that Las Vegas also bears that title but New Orleans held it first.
I don't think Katrina was God's judgment, though. Several reasons. First of all, there were a lot of godly people in New Orleans. Sodom and Gomorrah would have been spared if only 10 righteous people could have been found. There were, and still are, many more than that in New Orleans. Also, if God was going to judge a city, there's a good chance he would start with Vegas. I haven't heard of daily F5 tornadoes or earthquakes in that area so I'll assume it's still standing. Finally, the Bible says that judgment begins in the house of God. When the Lord comes to set things straight He invariably begins the process by doing house-cleaning in the church.
I believe that the Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart fiascos several years ago, as well as many of the things currently being exposed in the Roman Catholic Church, may well be God's judgment. Katrina is simply a result of sin being in the world. Romans tells us that through Adam's sin, death spread to all men and even nature itself. Nature groans for its redemption which will occur at the consumation of all things.
Until the end of time, we will have hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes. I've got a feeling that if God ever decides to destroy a city, though, there will be no doubt in anyone's mind what happened.
Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds. Pray for the ones in Louisiana, Mississippi, and my home state of Alabama whose lives have been ravaged by Katrina.


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